Leave No Trace

When nature calls, let's answer responsibly and leave no trace behind!

When we're out and about exploring the great outdoors, sometimes we're faced with a pressing issue... the lack of dunnies! But fear not, because we've got some fair dinkum tips to help you answer nature's call while treading on this beautiful land.

Dig Deep: When nature calls, dig a hole! Make sure it's a decent 15cm deep and at least 100m away from any water source. No one wants contaminated H2O, right?

Tidy Up: Got some loo paper to spare? Either bury it nice and deep or, even better, pack it out in a zip lock bag. Let's keep our trails clean, folks!

Stay Fresh: After doing your business, a dollop of hand sanitiser works wonders. Keep those mitts clean and germ-free!

Ladies’ Choice: Ladies, ever considered swapping out paper for clean Chux? It's lightweight, portable, and can be chucked into a zip lock bag after use. Easy peasy!

No Wet Wipes: Wet wipes might seem handy, but they're a big no-no in the bush. They don't break down like they should, leaving behind a nasty mess.

Get Creative: Some seasoned bushwalkers swear by using a squirt bottle of water as a personal bidet instead of toilet paper. A splash of water can work wonders, mate!


Keen for more tips? Check out this ripper resource: Poo, Wees, and Other Mysteries 🌳💦